Think Property Club Podcast
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Think Property Club Podcast
Is your home design making you sick? with Susan Oddy www.thinkpropertyclub.com.au
Is your home design making you sick? with Susan Oddy www.thinkpropertyclub.com.au
In this conversation, Jay and Susan delve into the topic of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and their impact on health, particularly in relation to property development and living environments. They discuss the different types of EMF, practical solutions for reducing exposure, personal experiences with EMF sensitivity, and the importance of building design in mitigating EMF effects. The conversation also covers the role of solar panels and dirty electricity, the effectiveness of various EMF protection products, and the future of EMF awareness and regulation. The session concludes with a Q&A segment addressing common concerns about EMF exposure.
- EMF stands for electromagnetic fields, which are present in our environment.
- There are four main types of EMF: radio frequency, electric fields, magnetic fields, and dirty electricity.
- Reducing EMF exposure can be achieved through practical solutions like cabling instead of wireless.
- Distance from EMF sources is crucial for minimizing exposure.
- Personal experiences with EMF sensitivity can vary greatly among individuals.
- Testing and measuring EMF levels in homes is essential for awareness.
- Building design plays a significant role in EMF exposure and health.
- Solar panels can contribute to dirty electricity, impacting health.
- EMF protection products can help, but understanding the sources is key.
- Awareness and regulation of EMF exposure are becoming increasingly important.
- Navigating EMF: Health Implications and Solutions
- Building Healthier Homes: The EMF Challenge
Sound Bites
- "We test for the four main types of EMF."
- "Placement of the switchboard is crucial."
- "Dirty electricity is very common."
Introduction to EMF and Its Importance
Understanding EMF: Types and Sources
Practical Ways to Reduce EMF Exposure
The Journey of EMF Awareness and Solutions
Testing and Measuring EMF Levels
The Impact of Solar Panels and Dirty Electricity
Implementing Solutions for EMF Reduction
Products and Tools for EMF Protection
Final Thoughts on EMF Awareness and Health
Building Healthier Homes: The Importance of Materials
Understanding EMF: Reducing Exposure in Our Lives
The Impact of Technology: Airplane Mode and EMF
Navigating 5G: Understanding Its Presence in Our Lives
Practical Solutions: Shielding and Cabling for Safety
Q&A: Addressing Common Concerns About EMF
jay (00:00)
Welcome to ThinkProperty Club's Think Tank, where we connect, share, and learn the tips and hacks from our specialists. They become part of our A-Team, supporting us to create the best of our performance in property game. Hi guys. Welcome to today's Think Tank. Really excited to have you here, our ThinkProperty podcast. And I'm here, I'm glad you're here on a Tuesday lunchtime, because I'm sure
everybody's deep and thick into their work all day, having lunch, whatever it is, it's about being committed, coming on and educating yourself further in the property and all things related to property. Today, I'm really excited because I've got a special visitor, a friend in the industry, and she specializes in educating people and delivering products that help people.
I guess, protect people from, EMF within housing. And she's going to probably introduce that probably a bit better than me. I'm still learning more about it, but every time I speak to Susan or learn about what she does, it really brightens my world because it makes me think I need to be more responsible in how I build, how I develop and how I invest in properties and also how I can create better living, healthy product.
housing for myself and for my family and friends and how we live as well. So today's topic is reducing EMF in your new and existing builds. So I want to welcome Susan Oddie to talk about EMF. She and her hubby has a beautiful business helping people understand EMF within our building. So welcome Susan. Thank you Amy. Thanks for having me here today.
Anytime we love hearing about what you do and how you help people all around Australia and overseas in understanding what EMF is and how we need to learn to build better. So what is EMF and wifi and we all live in this so wifi connected world. can't live without our phones. We can't live with our computers. We needed to do business. We needed to connect with people.
but how can we do it in a safer way so we're protecting our health and our bodies as well.
Well, I guess the key thing there are four main types of EMF that we see in people's homes and businesses, but the one that's become the most prevalent and probably the most troublesome for people's health at the moment is the radio frequency radiation. And that's the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, smart meters, mobile phones, mobile phone towers. So it does encompass a whole lot of other things such as it's called the Internet of Things. So every little device like your
robot vacuum cleaner is emitting wireless radiation all the time. So that's not necessarily called Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or mobile phone. That's just an radio frequency of its own. So there's a whole bunch of devices that we now have in our homes. And the way we can avoid it is really, ethernet cabling is the backbone of how to do that. And in a new build, that's the best time to do it.
We are often with a lot of clients that are now retrofitting. That's what we do. We help people to install those cables after the fact and also clients doing it before they build, which is amazing. And it's always cheaper to do it when you're building than trying to get in those cavities later. So I urge people to think about that. And in a space like ours that we've got here, our office, there's no EMS in this space at all. And it's really, really achievable. We have plenty of devices.
We've got lots of smart tech, but it's all cable. So Susan, can you explain to people, guess, in real simple terms, what is EMF? You know, can we see it? Where is it? Where is it coming from? Yeah, look, so electromagnetic fields is what EMF stands for. And in simple terms, I like to think of it as a type of electricity that's in the air.
it comes in different sizes and that's what determines which EMF it is. So unfortunately we can't see it. Some people can hear it, some people can feel it and that's the issue is that we don't know it's there and I can assure you it's even in my space right now. I've got probably the lowest EMF levels one could hope for in the office with my meters flashing green here. That's very unlikely anyone else on this meeting today has those kind of levels.
It is achievable, but those levels are even coming from a tower outside this room. And it's coming in through, I've got metal walls, metal roof. It's still coming in. So we are surrounded by wireless radiation is another term we call it. But the technical term is radio frequency. that's the concern is, yes, you can't see it. can't, most people can't hear it.
And so we just don't realize it's there, but it is. That's how our messages are getting to one another. And that's how we're communicating here today with most of your cohort, know, everyone's wireless. Yeah. And I guess we can't live without the internet. We need it to function. We want to look at smarter ways we can implement it or have it in our day to day. And not everybody can get rid of, I guess, their Wi-Fi.
or have ethernet, you know, retrofit it because it is a big costly exercise. Can we look at ways to reduce the EMF if we've already got the wireless? Yeah, look, there are, there are things you can look at the ways that we use our devices. So for example, your mobile phone has got four, five, six or eight antennas in them.
And you can turn some of those off. You don't need them all on at the same time. If you're not using Bluetooth, turn it off. If you're not using Wi-Fi, turn it off. And just use 4G. That's two antennas you've just turned off. If you're not too worried about, find my phone, you can turn that antenna off. And location services, turn that off. I'm not worried if I lose my phone, well, that's just too bad. a lot of us don't really think that we care. And I'm sure it's handy to have. But is it handy to have?
nicking us constantly. So that's one way. Also with your Wi-Fi's you can create distance. Distance is your great biggest friend with EMS. So obviously please don't have a Wi-Fi in a bedroom. When you're designing your home consider putting the Wi-Fi preferably in the garage. We usually find that's the best spot for it. Admittedly could be next to a bedroom still which is not ideal. So placement is something to think about when the NBN comes along.
where is that Wi-Fi going to be. another way, obviously some people have what we call 4G, 5G modems, so they're not NBN modems. You can just go off to Telstra or Optus and buy one of those. Now they're emitting a significant amount of EMF because not only are they communicating with the towers outside, they're communicating with you inside with Wi-Fi. So NBN is always the way to go.
Even if you're renting, we encourage you to get an NBN plan. It shouldn't cost you any more than having one of those portable 4G, 5G modems. So that will reduce your exposure because the modem is not communicating wirelessly inside to the outside. It's going via a cable, which is the NBN. So that will reduce your exposure. One other way is to, you can turn down the power of your modem.
Not all modems can do that. You can go into the settings and actually turn it down. You can sometimes operate them as low as 10 % power and that will significantly reduce your exposure. Other people put Wi-Fi covers over their Wi-Fi, especially if you're sitting in the office with the Wi-Fi and you feel you really need it or the person next to you really wants it. You can put Wi-Fi covers over the modem and that'll reduce your exposure, but it will still allow connectivity, especially in that
closed space like an office. It won't work 20 meters up the other end of the house. Usually that will drop out. But if you don't really have a choice, or you can't work out how to stop your motor from emitting, a lot of people just buy a bag. We prefer to try and help people turn it off. But you might still want that Wi-Fi, or you might have flatmates or family that insist on using it. So there are ways to protect you from that.
Yeah, look, it sounds like there's a lot of different ways you can reduce it. wherever you are, think whatever situation is, something, you know, Susan can help you with. So Susan, I'll go through, just go through the slides. You let me know when to move on. So our business, safe at your man.
We obviously reestablished this business because we became unwell as a result of exposure to EMS. We were very, very unwell, me personally, and one of our children, our daughter was six at the time, and she became EMS sensitive. And we are still, unfortunately, still EMS sensitive. So we were surprised how quickly we could recover from our symptoms. And that happened in 24 hours, which is unbelievable. We went from completely housebound, bedbound to back to normal.
once we even at K with our home and stopped using our devices wirelessly. So that was a really big wake up call for us. We'd never thought about how our phones connected. I certainly hadn't thought about it. My partner is an EMF is actually an IT engineer specializing in internet, ironically. So and maybe that may have contributed. We were early adopters of Wi-Fi and we used our devices a lot. We liked it. You know, we were.
up with the latest apps and the latest mobile phones and we still are. We just bought 15s and I'll tell you about that later. So now we're trying to help other people do what we've done and that is to reduce your exposure. So we can do that in many ways. We're helping renters up in Cairns right now who just wants to run cables through his house. There's other options but you know that's what he's happy to do and we're helping him get that Wi-Fi off in his place. So we do EMF testing and advisory on the Gold Coast region.
and where we will go out and actually assess the levels in your place and make recommendations based on your budget and your needs. We do the wireless to wired IT conversion, which is, we love doing that because we know we're turning things off. We're turning off so many antennas and you can still use your devices. Maybe not in the same way that you were, but that's, each client can choose how they do that. And we also have a large range of EMF protection.
product shielding and EMF meters. So we only stock products that physically block, shield or reduce the EMS. We don't sell any products that claim to harmonize or crystals or anything like that. We're not saying the crystals don't work. They're not a valuable part of everyone's environment, but for the purposes of EMS, we like to sell what is proven to actually reduce it based on an EMF meter. So that's what you'll find in our online store.
Beautiful. There are so many products. I remember seeing that were very new to me and probably new to a lot of you thinking, well, how is Wi-Fi going to hurt me? But I don't know if anyone's got that feeling when you're like watching something, know, movie or TV show on your phone and your hand just gets really hot. It's it's feeling buzzing.
or your back. Guys, that's when you've had so much exposure to your internet around you. And that isn't really sign to have a break from it and drop it, leave it, get into nature and get grounded again. Because in this world that we're living in, we're so reliant on having information immediately. But it can really affect how we operate, how we think and
you know, our stress levels as well. So today's really just giving you guys awareness of how we can have more balance in our day to day. You're to be able to function better. You're to be able to focus better if we have, less EMF direct EMF through our bodies. So I guess what are the things that you guys do to test it or to find out? Cause each person's phone will be wired differently and people will be using different technology.
Yeah, it looks like we're going to an on-site test. We'll usually test for the four main types of EMS. So that's the radio frequency and we'll use often our Safe and Sound Pro to measure that. And that'll tell us what are the levels coming in from the outside from like cell towers and neighbors Wi-Fi. Usually neighbors Wi-Fi is not the worst thing. People are like, well, my neighbors still got their Wi-Fi on. Why would I bother turning mine off? No, no, no. Definitely turn yours off.
whatever's closest to you, even if your neighbor's very close, they've got walls and whatnot between you, it's still reducing your exposure significantly. It's usually your Wi-Fi and your wireless device that is affecting you the most. Don't worry about what your neighbors are doing just yet. And so we'll go out and we'll measure those four types of EMF. So we've got the radio frequency, which is the wireless radiation, which is mobile phones, Bluetooth, 5G towers coming into your home, smart meters getting very common lately.
especially coming Victoria, it's mandatory, but other states it's not mandatory. So we do as you'd opt out. And then we also measure the electric fields, which is what might come from your light bulbs, from your bedside lamps. If someone had an electric blanket, for example, some grounding sheets can also emit electric fields. So it's something to be really careful about magnetic fields from
The switchboard, so that's something that's really important in your builds is please, please, please do not plan to put a switchboard behind somebody's bedhead. We're seeing it way too often in your builds. It's absolutely devastating. They need to be moved. They literally have to disassemble that with an electrician and move it somewhere else. So please think about placement. That's probably my, actually my number one point today. I've seen way too many people with cancer and all sorts of other illnesses.
and you find that they are sleeping with their head against the switchboard. So we put it in the garage, is that a good position? Because garage is usually that's great. Yeah. On the side of the garage is typically where it used to be. The concern we've had over the last few years, but even in new builds, for some reason, we've had a lot of clients being used up saying, look, I've just built a new place. And they insisted there was nowhere else to put the switchboard. They put it behind my bedhead.
And there's no way else to put the bed. It's like, well, seep up the other end for starters, but the electricity electric fields will still get your feet. So that's something, you know, there's not a lot of options. The layout of a room is the best meant to go in a certain space. So really, really important not to put that there. And the reasons you don't put that behind someone's head is the magnetic fields are well beyond extreme. The electric fields are well beyond extreme. And some of them will also have a smart meter in them.
So this might be to will emit wireless radio frequency radiation. So really important to make sure that that switchboard is not put behind somebody's head. And also if there's a secondary switch, like when the home that we moved into had a butler's pantry and in the butler's pantry was the secondary switchboard. And
That had to be moved. We had to spend $5,000 to remove that from the butler's pantry because I couldn't go in there. It was making me, it gave me headaches. It made me feel very unwell just from the magnetic fields. And I didn't even think that was something that I was sensitive to until we moved in here and had to change that. So it was crazy. And the last thing is also the dirty electricity. So we measure dirty electricity. Now dirty electricity is a little less commonly known, but it's very, very common.
So dirty electricity, if you have solar panels on your roof, I guarantee you, have high levels of dirty electricity. You don't even need to test it. Or if you are running air conditioners, most air conditioners have an inverter in them and that will create what's called dirty electricity. And that is where the electrical spikes are normally 50 Hertz in Australia, but
when you've got dirty electricity, goes much higher every time the inverter is going on and off and on and off. And it's trying to save you money on your electricity consumption. It's sending out these massive highs and lows to your electrical, which comes out of the wall. You can actually feel it. I can feel it. I can actually feel dirty electricity. so unfortunately, at this moment in Australia, there's not a lot of solutions for that. You can do.
These are extreme examples, but install things like kill switches where you can turn the power off at night, which we do do in our home. And because we are electrically sensitive, but that's probably not something you need to consider at this stage. But we're looking at long term, we want government regulation on filtering so that filters would be installed with all air conditioners and with all solar panel inverters to make sure that these dirty electricity, which is known to cause significant health effects. And I do think it was a
massive contributor to what we, to making our sun well in our home, our old home. And we did move. So we had to leave that area and because of the dirty electricity was unmanageable. But yes, we test all those and come back with a range of solutions for people to reduce their exposure to those four types of EMF. Yeah, that's really interesting because when I look at it, most houses will have all of those, right?
Well, absolutely. We have a very long list when we've been to most people's homes. It's unusual that people are actually in a safe environment. Yeah, and the solar panels obviously something they promote to reduce, you know, electricity, span and energy. But at the same time, it's like, okay, well, how can we use these products in a safer way? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
And let me just say, let me just say, because a lot of people do think about Solidaid, they worry about the placement of the panels. Now, the placement of the panels is not usually the concern. So you can put the panels above someone's bed, bedroom, and that won't usually be a significant issue in that bedroom. You could put it above their office. It wouldn't matter. It's where the inverter is. And it also the inverter will have its own set of magnetic and electric fields and radio frequency. But
The dirty electricity goes throughout the entire circuit. So it affects every room. It doesn't matter where you put those panels, the dirty electricity will feed through your entire home, just from that one source being solar or aircon. So it doesn't have to be the aircon in that room that will affect that room from dirty electricity. It gets on the whole circuit. it's not a great deal can do about that. There are filters available.
We do have one associate that does install them. Unfortunately, he's been over in the US for quite a while now and he's been working on some significant projects over there for EMF and he will be back. He does install these filters for all of our clients, which is amazing. And I guess how does the filter work in reducing it? Do you install it in the inverter or in panels? Yeah, look, the filters, we ended up with three here at our, this is my home office and
We have two air conditioners and we don't have solar yet. We would like to get solar maybe. I'm very, very, very not keen. You know, I've been resisting it for a while, but now that we have these filters, I'm less concerned. So I can feel the difference and we can measure the difference for sure. So the filters are basically surge protection. Well, they're not surge, they're like surge protection and they will catch all those spikes and transients and they will smooth them out and spit them out in a slower fashion.
So it's just an organizing of electricity really. It's just to slow it all down and say, okay, let's just go back to 50 Hertz on our lines and not keep doing this. Okay. So it's really just an electrical componentry. It's not magic. It's not a harmonizer or something like that. It's actually, you know, installed by an electrician between your switch, usually between your switchboard and your home. It'll usually be next to the switchboard. We happen to have one on each air conditioner as well.
not on the air conditioner but outside near the electricity where the air conditioner is connected. have one on each there but most times it depends on the home. You might need one, you might need three. If you've got three phase electrical you'll need a lot more. And the air conditioner still function as normal? Yeah, yeah it's really just smoothing out the electricity flow.
And it's not that unusual. actually used very commonly in hospitals and commercial environments where they don't want their equipment to blow up. And they need to keep that dirty electricity really low to have no interference with the imaging equipment and things like that. it's actually not new technology. It's been around for a long time, but we haven't been using it in residential applications as much as we should. So.
We are certainly committed to trying to get more of that available in Australia where you can actually just order it and get that up to any electrician who can install it. And the reason they don't put it in the products when they first make it is just cost, right? Cost, yeah. And they could. A lot of devices, you know, when they're manufacturing, you know, when you buy premium product versus, well, that's not always the way. Usually with a premium product, you might get some wireless radiation you don't want.
Like, know, don't buy the smart devices. But, you know, a high grade product like a Bose stereo, you know, they're going to put a lot more infrastructure in there to make it beautiful sound quality and last. And they spend on those little instruments of not having noise distortion and things like that. at the moment, there's no people aren't seeing the value in understanding that this is a problem.
And somebody will, I assure you, somebody will design a solar panel that already has a installed, which would be amazing. As soon as they do that, we'll spread the word everywhere. Yeah, I love it. I love it because it's just, you know, understanding how it works and if commercial places are already using it. they've been using it for many, many years, probably 30 years more. The filters are there, how can we put it into our products? Right.
Absolutely. Or just as a standard bill, you know, you must have this on your bill in your electrical switchboard. You know, it just it needs to be mandatory because people don't understand just how sick their dirty electricity. I had a message from someone in New Zealand just last night saying I've just installed solar. I'm now feeling sick. Where can I get filters from? You know, and that's that's a hard question. You know, when we don't we don't service New Zealand, but there's need for this person can feel it. So obviously, I told him
Can you just turn off your solar for now? We don't want them to get any sicker, because it could become permanent. They could become permanently sensitive if they're not already. And all their sensitivity could become more extreme, which is very dangerous. So we don't want that. So we said, could you just turn off the solar until you can get yourself some filtering happening over there in New Zealand? it's certainly an awareness. People can notice the difference when they become sick the day that they install their solar.
Yeah, that's really interesting. And obviously everybody's different in terms of their health and their body and what they're exposed to and how they react to it. Talking about minimizing, right? Not completely getting rid of. Yeah, absolutely. Look, we've got a lot of, we've got a lot of clients that, know, they still want to use their wifi, but they want to, or they still want to have it on, but they want to make sure their main devices are cabled. So they'll probably cable their office laptop. They'll cable their TVs.
But then they're happy to walk around their home with their phone on Wi-Fi. That's what they want to do. And some people need to because they don't have a good connectivity with 3 or 4 or 5G. So they use Wi-Fi calling in the home. So there is certainly a need and we're happy to help people do it how they want to do it. And you don't need to turn everything off. We were forced. We had no choice but to turn everything off. But you can certainly do half half or even less if that's what you want to do.
Just a little bit to start off with is important, right? Okay. So what are some little things people can start off with to understand how to reduce that? within currently their home, their office, what they do. And I guess for this is for personally for themselves, but in terms of some of these things, let's, we'll talk about some of these things. And we talk about maybe.
how you can implement some of them in a new build, for example, after Susan, just a couple of points. Yeah, look, I think we get calls all the time. People are like, look, I've got, I think I've got some EMS in my home. I want to buy a canopy, a $3,000 canopy to sleep under. And I'm like, no, no, no, don't start with a canopy. Just you need to measure first. You you might not need the canopy or the canopy might not be the answer for your problem. So.
We always encourage people to buy a meter. We've got meters, you know, this is the more top of the range around 589. This is the best radio frequency meter you could buy. And I encourage you if you're willing to invest, get one of those. We use it even professionally, but it is designed for a consumer. This really is easy to use. And we've got a cheaper model, which is just a no-fills version of the same meter. It doesn't have the numbers on it. It just has lights.
If you don't, it's really quite a wake up call. My client in Cairns, he ordered this pro and he he wasn't feeling very well in his face up, ventral property up in Cairns. He's measured and he's like, my gosh, I had no idea. I've been trying to ground, I've been drinking green smoothies, I've been eating organic, I've been filtering my water, I've been doing all these things, but I've been cooking myself like a Christmas ham.
And he couldn't believe the levels. His Wi-Fi is incredibly strong and he was absolutely shocked. And so he's had a Wi-Fi off for about a week now while we've been planning what he's going to do in terms of, we've just got stuff to send out to him today, actually a new modem where the Wi-Fi can be turned off easily, cables. And he's going to rig himself up a little LAN, we call it, a local area network, which is just basically a bunch of cables and adapters.
linked back to the modem, which is Kinect's VNBN. But it was purchasing this that actually made him wake up. He went, I didn't realize, I didn't know how much I was affecting me. And yesterday, you know, he emailed and he said, I need this and I need it now. I want this to happen because I've just having the Wi Fi off this week, I've realized it is affecting me. As soon as I turn it on, I feel sick.
And he did not consider himself to be electrically sensitive and I didn't think he was either because he never said he was. He just wanted to be as healthy as possible and protect his family. But now he's realized it was actually affecting him and he needed that time away from it to notice. But he didn't know how to turn everything off without actually measuring it and going, okay, things are still on.
Okay, I thought I got them all, but there's still something emitting in here. There's a watch in the corner, there's a speaker in the corner or an iPad lying under the couch, TV remotes, TVs. And with this, can definitely find all those sources and make some informed decisions about what needs to be on and what doesn't. And so that I think is a really good investment in meters. We've also got what we call multi meters. So the Trifield is our is the best seller. It's
It measures electric fields, magnetic and radio frequency. it's not as amazing as the safe and sound, the green one for radio frequency, but it gives you three in one. So you get three different types of electric electromagnetic fields measured in the one meter and it's quite affordable. And also the EMDRD 10, which is actually my favorite of all meters. If I could only buy one meter, this is the one I would get. I carry this in my hand like everywhere. I'm not kidding, Amy.
I take this with me everywhere. If I have to choose, it's so small and it's got this awesome little alarm on it that will alarm when the levels are high and also colored lights. I can't really show you many because I don't have much EMF in this space and it won't alarm until I turn something on. So I don't recommend starting with shielding. There's always a last resort. Yes, we sell shielding products and we'd love to sell you shielding products if you need them, but we would prefer you learn.
about what is in your space and then give us a call and say, hey, well, I've, I've ended up with these four things that I can't get rid of. What do we really need? Like, you don't need a canopy. Well, this guy didn't need a canopy. He needed to spend some money on some cables and, just rig up a little network, which is going to be amazing. It'll be so much, better value than spending $3,000 on a bed canopy. Yeah. Amazing. And look,
There's all these things in here. You've got like things for your ears, for your mobile phones. I'm sure we all got some sort of ear pods. Ear pods? Ear pods. Look, I'm using them now. These are actually, if you can hear me clearly, I hope you can. This is actually air tubes. So there's only a hollow tube between here and here. These are the defender shield ones. That's the top of the range. I highly recommend them because they don't twist.
You know real cheap ones will just twist up and you're constantly having to untwist them. These have got this beautiful thick cable that's woven and I use these for you know all of my consoles. I have a spare pair in my bag and these are the top of the range ones and the sound quality is amazing and there's no electricity between here and here. Whereas if I was to put in a standard set of headphones and I measure it with this meter this would be alarming.
up here in my brain, you it would be saying you've got electricity coming into your brain that doesn't need to be there. Whereas here it stops down here. It stops, you know, down the bottom, which is, you know, they're nice to have. Most people buy them. there are things like that are our top sellers. People even want to buy alarm clocks. And one of the best things I'll tell you that we sell on the website is actually these PowerPoint controllers.
So we call them the Wi-Fi kill switch and you can just hit a little remote control button every night and it will just turn your Wi-Fi off. And then when you get up in the morning, flick it back on if that's what you want to do. So you can get a three pack and turn your two TVs up as well. They're, you know, they're some of our best sellers is those little items. And for people who are electrically sensitive and affected by EMS, they need the more serious protection. They need the home.
the curtains, the wall protection, the window protection, they need the sleeping canopies. that's sort getting into the very big investments of people to have to do that. as we're here for a reason, and that is to encourage people to homes that aren't affected because we can't seem to control what's happening out there with the telcos. So it's really nice if the builder can consider which way the window is facing and other walls.
potentially shield it would be a bonus. you know, putting on a color bond roof is always more protective than a tile roof. So those protections, you don't need them if they're already there, which is great. And I think if you guys are, you know, intending to build or looking at changing, building materials within existing houses, definitely have a look at what Susan and Hubby do in a business.
because it's simple tips like putting ethernet cables. These are the old traditional blue cables that you used to wire the house with in between all the rooms and then you plug in your modem and plug it into your laptop. So I'm sure there's different adapters that we can still use to do that away. But it's so interesting when you do use one of those EMF meters to check
It's so much lower and you feel so much better. And for us, we see it as a good selling point as well. When we're developing and looking at your products, Jason and I will look at, well, how can we reduce and make reduce EMF and make this building a healthy building? So this is one part of building biology. We have a speaker that will come on later in the, that talks about building biology.
And that's looking at all different components of safer building products, healthier building products, to increase a better livability and promote better health. and most people these days want good health, right? They don't want a building that's toxic and they're not going to enjoy it because you can feel it. You can, when you go into home, you can feel whether the house feels good. You can feel that.
If you go into an old cruddy house and there's like water coming off the side of the walls and there's mold there, like you feel that you feel it's not like a nice environment to be in. So all these things that we're going through today, it's only one aspect and it's about educating you guys on how to be aware of how we can live in better places and build better places. And it could be new to a lot of you, but this is awareness.
research into it. Susan's gone through this. This is why she's passionate about what she does. There's so many things you guys can do without buying anything that will already protect you. So as I said, turn off your phone to airport mode. Turn off the power points around you. Make sure there's no massive power meters behind your bedhead on the other room. Right? And you know, when I'm
Going to bed, I put on airport mode. When I'm going for walks, I put on airport mode when I've got the phone in my pocket. Right. Unless I know I'm expecting something really important call anything that's close to my body. try and turn it off. Susan and you know, her hubby actually came out and did the check on our house. And interestingly enough,
Jason is really tech savvy. So he's got Wi-Fi, these Wi-Fi that we're like, that's so good. Everything's so convenient. When she came into my office and she put the meter checking, the calculation of it, I think it was like shock horror. was like, was actually, it was the highest we'd ever measured at that point. was pretty funny because I never really enjoy sitting in my office for a long time. I just felt really tired and
couldn't focus and I'd be like, I need a break. I need to get out of there. And we had all the modems in my office in a little cupboard at the bottom. So all the internet was emitting from my office to the rest of the house. horror, right? We wouldn't even think that was an issue. Why do you want to be in there? And so we moved the meters to other parts of the house. put ethernet to my office so it's not wireless.
and we still got wireless in the house but it's just clever little tricks on not having it turned on all the time when we're close to it and if we're sitting in office for long period, ethernet, blue cable, right? So yeah simple little tricks right Susan that made really big... Yeah absolutely and on our website we don't always have time for writing blogs but we do have some incredible blogs on there if I can say so myself
There's one that's up to about 10,000 reads. It's why airplane mode no longer protects you from wireless radiation. It's something even you should read Amy, just to make sure, but you've got a mirror, right? So you should measure. Can you tell me what the page is on your website, Susan? Go to the blog page. we only blog about what we think is important. So read them all. Like they're very quick reads. The important ones at the moment, think the airplane mode one.
is very, very popular. being read around the world everywhere. And it's so important because as you said, you put your phone in airplane mode, but is it really off? And have you got your meter out and measured? Most people don't own a meter. So they haven't been able to check. So I urge you to check yours as well. I will check. Because the new phones, not just the new phones, doesn't, airplane mode doesn't turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth always, whereas it used to. And it's now changed because we want to use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on airplanes. So
Remember, airplane mode was not there to protect us from EMFs. It was actually there to protect us from dying in a plane crash, from electrical interference. So that's why airplane mode was invented in the first place. But now that we want to use Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on the plane, it doesn't always turn it off. So they're still emitting. So we want to make sure those are turned off as well. So that's one of our most popular blogs.
the common sources of EMS. If you just want to the basics is there. I urge you all to have a look at that and understand what are the four most common types is really good. And what was the other one that I'm just thinking another popular, there's obviously we've got symptoms and things like that there. And we'll put it in the chat section as well, guys. Our teams found that and I'll make sure I put it in the email.
once we've done this recording to send to you all as well, all the students in here. and one that's not actually on a blog yet, it was on our Facebook page and Instagram just last week, we bought iPhone 15s and we never thought we'd do that. We thought they would be troublesome, we thought we couldn't use them, we thought we'd have to put them in a big bag of foil or something. Turned out we could use them and we can use them in a safe way that they must be in certain settings.
So I've blogged about that and shared a video showing the high settings and the low settings in the video. So I urge you to have a look at that because that's not yet in a blog, it's just on Facebook and Instagram. Those videos and YouTube now actually. We've got both those videos there, which is interesting. It'll show you why we have that problem with the buttons, the white buttons and airplane mode. So the iPhone 15 will be similar to iPhone 14 and 16s.
Well, I can't comment on that because we haven't tested them. as we have, we obviously don't sit down and laboratory test all this stuff. So we had a seven. I was using a seven until now. I can't update software. So I'm like, I'm going to have to get a new phone. Kent actually got a 15. We thought, well, we'll test this. Worst case scenario, you're not bringing it into the house. And it turned out as long as he put it in these settings, it was okay for us who being electrically sensitive to have it in that mode.
So that's what we call it call an SMS mode is very, low. So a lot of people, especially people who just want to be contactable for their children's may not suit all business owners who need to be contactable online all the time. But if you're on your computer, you're usually contactable anyway. So you really need to consider if that's a suitable mode for you. But it does show just how big a difference it makes. So we're not saying that a 15 is safer or safe. We're just saying that in certain settings, we can have it flashing low.
like this and I can sit next to it all day. Mine's actually in these settings right now and I'm happy to sit right next to it, which is unbelievable for most people to comprehend that an electrically sensitive person could sit next to their phone and it's still mostly on the Wi-Fi, the Bluetooth and the internet is off and I use a cable for the internet, which is a bit bizarre, but that's how we do it. We have measured, just so you know, we have measured some, I don't actually remember if it was a 12 or a 13.
We had a guest staying and we measured because we were picking up levels and they were staying overnight after a party and they said, my phone's off. And sure enough, their iPhone, I think it was a 13, was off, completely off and it was emitting 4,000 microtts, which is four times above extreme.
And they were surprised too, I was surprised. We had to put it in a Faraday bag to stop it from emitting so that we could all sleep that night. And they've been sleeping next to it every night thinking that their phone was off. we didn't have time to look at the settings and work out why. But it's something to be careful of. can't say that all the different phones are safe in those modes. It really pays to measure. Yeah, very interesting guys. So go on that blog.
It's on the chat link and just read about it. So look, we'd look at the five key areas for probably developers to consider. We talked about this a little bit already. So I guess this is what you can help people with when they're building something new. Yeah, look, I think number one and two probably haven't covered. And I would like to just mention
Site EMF assessment. I was talking to Amy before we have, we've had a 5G in Australia since about 2018 at various sites. Now it's on almost every mobile phone antenna site now. It has 5G. It's called low band 5G. But what they're doing now is they're putting high band 5G outside people's front doors, outside their bedrooms on the power poles. So, and they're putting them every 100 to 150 meters because it doesn't travel very far.
So that's the real, what we call the real 5G. So everyone's worried about 5G, but this is what we should really be worried about. It's the real 5G I call it because it's going to be inescapable. So if you've got it outside your front door, can't, your front lawn is going to be covered in EMFs. Your drive in and out, it's going to be covered in EMFs. Walk in the dog, covered in EMFs. So when you're building, you want to keep an eye out one, they might already be installed.
What does it look like Susan? Suburbs like I know Marrumbina in the, I wish I had a photo handy. It's just a small square box. probably about that big metal box and there'll be two of them. There'll be two of them and, one will be a 4G and one will be a high band 5G because they need to work together and they will be on top of, usually a street power pole.
Sometimes they might need to install a new pole, but usually they'll use the existing infrastructure and there's nothing to stop them. And we've got clients down in Marrambina who have had them install 20 meters from their bedroom window. And unfortunately they're really low to the ground. So they're much more toxic than those big tall towers, which look unsightly and scary. These small ones can be a lot more toxic because they're so low to the ground. They're just emitting much denser amounts of radiation at that level.
And so you really want to check visually, is there one, are there some in the area just by looking up, look for these little square boxes that you've not seen in other suburbs. They're definitely around Sydney, Melbourne. We don't think we have, I'm pretty sure we don't have any on the Gold Coast. We only have Borgie small cells at the moment on the Gold Coast. But there's no, not much better. know, it's still low hanging devices where people are walking in some of our most beautiful spaces like Miami.
and Broad Beach and surface paradise and whatnot. So they're still not on big towers and people just don't realize they're there. They think they're out doing their healthy walk and jog and having their green smoothie, but they're sitting in an absolute ton of radiation while they're doing it. So, but the easiest thing to do for your followers is to look up a website called, could you write this down for me, Rfnsa.com.au.
Yep. So that is the main site that lists all telco towers, including small cell and NBN in Australia. You can search by suburb. You can search by street. I recommend searching by the street and the address. And you just hit go and it will bring up all the towers that are currently in the area, including small cell, the high band by G things. And it'll bring all the current ones, all the proposed ones.
And occasionally there might be one or two listed there that don't actually exist. So you need to be careful with them. Don't just assume it's there if it's not. Some of them might have been listed five years ago and never got built and they just forgot to take it down. you do need to double check what's around the area once you've looked at that website. And it'll list all the different sites that are in the area and what address they're at. And you can make some
informed decisions about your EMF orientation, other windows facing directly towards EMF antennas, you definitely don't want to do that. So, you you might want to orient your garages that way, or, you know, a side of the house, it's got a lot of bricks and shielding, or trees even, just really take into account where that those antennas are facing the building. And if you have a color bond roof, that's great, because it will reflect all of those EMFs.
If it's a tile renovation, for example, I presume you don't build with tiles. Do people build with tiles anymore? No, because it is a higher cost and it's a specific look. Most people don't unless it's for like a big luxury high mansion. Yeah, that's very luxurious, doesn't it now? Yeah, think about it. But yeah, well, the good thing is the color bond, a lot of standard bills now have really good protection from radio frequency. It can't penetrate it.
And so you're offering a lot of protection for the roof. If you're a renovation, the tiles, the EMS will come through the roof. So that's when you need to think about installing things like foil up in the roof, for example, for sacking, if that's a problem. But you just want to be really careful because they can put these things up after you've built and you may not have known it was coming. And it will decrease your property value when you go to sell these apartments or units or whatever it is you're doing.
Telstra has come along and put a small cell outside your new block. I'd be surprised if it doesn't decrease the value. Yeah, beautiful. Check that on that website. Just had a squeeze. That's going to really help everybody. Amazing. So the EMF orientation, that's good. look, some of these things you'll be able to find at the beginning. Some of them not.
you know afterwards there are things you can do to shield it but spires are savvy too they know what to look out for they're not going to want to buy with all these towers outside their bedrooms or next to their blocks and they'll be able to feel it as well when they're there. So the more you can stay away from the towers when you're looking for sites the better as well that's why it's best you go out on site to check what's around you.
And ask the agents, they know what's surrounding as well the areas. Awesome. Is there anything else, Susan? No, look, I think we covered even at cabling, obviously the more you can install the better, but if you can even just run three, you know, one to maybe the master bedroom or the TV, one to an office and one to, I don't know. It's just a few around the house is a good start. People can pick up, especially if there's something to the office already, you can just put a switch in. don't need to run a whole bunch of extra cables.
If want to keep it low budget, just run a few for starters and then you can sell it as an Ethernet cabled home. You don't have to put 30 cables in. If you do that, will increase the cost significantly. So just having the basics would be really good. Electrical cabling, please don't run it behind people's bedheads. If you've got a nice wall mounted lamp behind people's beds, don't run the cable from one to the other because...
that's going to affect them with EMS all night. So really think about your placement of that cabling. It needs to drop down from the roof or come in from the sides. That kind of thing, really, really important so that people can sleep in and out what they call low EMS sleep sanctuary. Electrical cabling, obviously the bulk of it will be near the switchboard, which we talked about. Please don't put those behind people's bedheads.
And shielding materials, know, if you do find you really great site, you might get a really good buy on it because it does have a telco tower next door. You know, you want to think about, know, do you want to put in some shielding materials like, you know, we sell radiation blocking foil, we've got window film, you can put up that will block pretty much all of it, unbelievably, and it looks clear, like it's a slight gray hue, but if you put it on every window, you'll never even notice it. Or we've got shielding curtains that we sell.
or you can make up your own beautiful, flowy curtains with that. Or in the build, you can also put this wire mesh if you wanted to have something more breathable. This will block over 99 % of those radio frequencies. So these are a last resort, though. We don't want to have to sell you this. We'd rather you pick a better site or build it with a better EMF orientation. This is absolutely last resort, putting shooting in a building.
There's actually a council in Western Australia that actually requires it. They will not approve your building and possibly renovation if your windows face a tower unless you've put this window film on the windows, which is amazing. I am sorry. I can't believe it. I kept getting a lot of people inquiring and buying this product from a certain area of Western Australia.
And I did ask the other day, said, look, can I just ask, is this a, you know, it's separate requirement? And they said, yes, it is. There was a window glazier and they are required now to install it or they can't get good approval. Wow. That's very interesting. Yeah. Look, that's somebody's doing the right thing there. Absolutely. That's off to that person in council who got that through.
But that's what's going to happen. Like it is going to happen because people are getting sick. Sadly, people are getting really sick. And it's not just, you know, I sort of feel like we were some of the first, there was definitely a lot of people before us, but we sort of got sick around that time that 5G first went live. but there were a lot of other, you know, it wasn't just the 5G. I think it was the dirty electricity for us. And, but just taking away that wireless radiation was enough to restore our health very quickly, which was
very, very eye-opening and unbelievable to see me go from severely incapacitated one day to perfectly like I was before. Yeah, we've got a team on that, Susan, so I won't go into that just yet. So I've got your details here. People want to look up the website for your company with the blog and some of the products and how you can help others. For our current students,
We're going to go to some Q &A with Susan. I know you've got some chat in there already. So we'll go into that. Susan, I'll read it out for you. And some of the questions we already answered already. Dean here said, how much EMF is emitted from cables? From cables? That's a good question. it depends. You will get some
level of electric fields coming from an ethernet cable. Turns what type of cable you're talking. I'll cover them both anyway. So an ethernet cable will still emit a very very tiny amount of electric field and an electrical cable will it does depend on the the actual voltage and the current and amps that is actually required to go up that cable. So
it's every people ask us all the time you know got these power lines outside this house should I buy it it's like well we don't know we don't know what the how many people are using it how much current is actually flowing on those lines so some people say you know the bigger ones are more dangerous yeah they do a bit a lot more but they're also a lot higher whereas the little street ones are right outside your bedroom so it's it's actually varies way too much to put a number on it definitely in the
extreme levels, but that depends where you're standing. So if you were to build a house that was, let's say, I'm just throwing numbers out there, three meters from a set of power lines, you are putting those people at risk of being in extreme levels of EMF. If you were to build at 10 meters from those power lines, there's a very good chance it's low EMF, but it depends on the power lines. It depends on what the infrastructure is that's out there.
because it might be the main source of power through the area plus the local lines, or it might be very low compared to the tall ones. So yeah, sorry, I can't put a figure on that, but distance is your friend with both electrical, with electrical cables. Amazing. What range of Hertz are measured? Well, the Hertz, it's,
The spectrum pretty much goes from zero all the way up to millimeter wave, which is 26 gigahertz. So which is that's the highest we've got. Well, it's not the highest we've got in Australia. That's the highest the telcos are meeting as far as we're in Australia is 26 gigahertz. So the electromagnetic spectrum goes from the low frequency stuff, which is really low hertz. So you're talking 50 hertz and then it's going up into dirty electricity, which is getting into the higher hertz and megahertz.
And then it becomes radio frequency, which is quite a big band. And that goes up to at the moment 26 gigahertz, which is a high band 5G in Australia. And then obviously there's some other applications that go higher than that. And then you get into your X-ray, which we don't really talk about. That's ionizing radiation that's sort of out of our realm. And people easily accept that X-rays are dangerous.
We don't have to argue that with anyone, including medical professionals. But as you go further in, it becomes more dangerous. for, well, that's the implied incidence. But even lower range electricity can be considered dangerous because it's alternating current. No, thank you, Susan. Sonia said, you know, you and your family experience some sort of symptoms.
Can you better understand the importance of minimizing EMF in the homes? I guess you explained that already and different people will feel it differently. Yeah, and look, just one extreme example is my daughter and I had completely different symptoms and we were very, very sick and we did not realize we had the same trigger. So when we ethernet cabled our home, we thought we were doing it for her sake.
because we knew that she was electrically hypersensitive because she had every symptom on the diagnosis list. She had like 20 symptoms to an extreme degree. I only had two of those and we never even thought that that was my problem. I was incapacitated and as soon as we ethernet cabled, I recovered and she recovered and we went, my gosh, I must be electrically sensitive. We didn't realize. So the symptoms are there is a blog on our website, the common symptoms of EMF or EHS.
I have definitely have a look at that. are common, but it's not to say, everybody has the same symptoms and we certainly didn't realize. Just the less you have, the better you feel overall. If a home has a switchboard on the outside wall opposite a bedroom and it's too costly to relocate it would have failed to be a helpful solution or at least help reduce the effects.
Not really unfortunately filter not the answer what you would need to do there is to The biggest problem we've got there is magnetic fields. So that's one of the four most common types So magnetic fields are very very hard to shield you need to use I didn't get a sample out but it's a piece of metal basically to shield it and it'll cost about Probably five. It's not this it's much thicker than this, but it looks a bit like this you've got to put these nasty sheets of
shielding material up and that would cost about I would estimate $5,000 to do an average bedroom wall. I'm talking you know a three by three bedroom. So $5,000 shielding exercise to get that down to safe levels and it's extremely complicated to install. Trying to get it inside the cavity would be very difficult because it's not thin. It's quite a thick material. So that would get rid of everything.
If you could install that, you would get rid of the electric fields, the magnetic fields, the radio frequency and the dirty electricity. So all four sources of EMF would be gone. The alternative is you can block three of those with this foil. But the problem is magnetic fields are still terribly dangerous. So, yes, it's great to reduce three of them, but you're still left with one and that one is still very dangerous. So.
Again, if you're going to spend $5,000 on shielding, I don't make any money selling the electrician that's going to move that switchboard. But it's really, really worth thinking about. Can it be moved even two meters? Can make a really big difference or can the bed be relocated to another spot? So, yeah, this is why we prefer people to put the switchboard in the right place to start with, because that $5,000 bill for shielding is a massive task.
And look, it's as easy as moving the bed or move making that bedroom into something else, right? Might not have absolutely like people need to say, okay, well, I'm just going to have to sleep in a room that doesn't have the ensuite or and people who are electrically sensitive do that anyway, they just move. You know, I've got a client in surface paradise who's just sleeping in some random corner of his bathroom because
That's where he feels good. He doesn't feel well anywhere else in his house. So he had no choice. He just goes, well, I feel good in this little corner and he's measured it and there's no EMF in that corner. So he sleeps there. so yeah, really important. Interesting. And how far away does a switchboard need to be away from a bed head? Is it two meters on his bed or a bit more? I would prefer more, but two meters is really good. Distance is everything.
And look, my childhood bedroom actually, ironically, has the switchboard on the wall. And I have actually measured it and it's perfectly fine a couple of meters from there. But it depends where the cables are running. Are they running through the wall behind that person's head? Are they running up and down? Or where are they coming from? So in our home, the cables are all under the home, not above us. So it's really...
you don't just think about the switchboard, think about the cables that are coming in and out of that switchboard and all the power that's coming in and out. And also the inverter is often placed with the switchboard these days for the solar panels. You want to keep that as far away as possible as well. good. Thank you. And then Dean, he said you can use your current electrical wire as ethernet conductors. Is this a problem? Yeah, you can use what's called power.
power line adapters, will send your electrical, sorry, it will send your internet over the electricity. We have had some problems just from a connectivity perspective with those and overheating. We use them temporarily when we go to a client site and they really wanna be off EMF. They want to get rid of those RF EMF straight away. So we will temporarily install those and give them that freedom from Wi-Fi straight away and then we'll come along and get the internet installed.
But some people use them permanently and the issue is they can create and do create some dirty electricity on those lines because it's sending a different type of signal along the electrical lines. unfortunately, that's adding another EMF to the space. We personally don't think it's as dangerous as the radio frequency that you're now removing. So it can be a benefit. The client that I'm working with this week in Cairns was
had the option of either ethernet cabling a rental property using power line adapters or running cables on the floor. He's a health hacker, so he's chosen to run cables on the floor. I was surprised, most people think that would balk at that idea, but he knew there's an increased risk with using power line adapters to, it would create higher levels of dirty electricity in the walls. It would also create higher levels of electricity in these devices.
they can overheat the adapters. So if you've got your device in your hand, the adapters can get very hot because they're connected to an electrical device. So once again, that's sort of a last resort as well. We do use them. And sometimes we have no choice because it's almost impossible to run a cable somewhere. So we will use them sparingly. But yeah, it's worth having a go. The internet connectivity is not as great. It doesn't produce as good as an Ethernet cable by long shot.
There's so much to learn, Susan. know, every little part of it, but I think great questions, guys. Thanks for putting your thoughts into those. Well, I advise everybody to learn more about it. Get onto Susan's website. We'll email out those links to you guys at the end of the week to read more about it. If you've got developments or areas that you want or you're home, investigated, get a meter.
reach out to Susan on her website there. And yeah, thank you so much, Susan, for creating more awareness for our community, the At Think Property Club. We want, you know, for ourselves and our students to build better homes for themselves and for others. And it is a topic that will just get bigger and bigger as new materials come into play and we question.
why we use things, why we go with this product, how is this going to benefit the buyers? And I've seen people build homes that are completely based around healthy living, right? people want to live in that or people just going to resort, like you said, and wanting to feel better. Yeah. Well, we had a hard time choosing a resort to go to now because our home is so healthy. You know, we've had to choose to be in a healthy environment.
And we've had to build, well not build, but renovate this place to make it a healthy environment. it's possible. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. It's possible. Yeah. Thank you very much, Susan. And thank you everybody for coming on today. I hope you've got some good tips and good knowledge on understanding this topic further. If you've got any questions, us an email or go onto our Facebook group. Thank you for being part of the community and
I hope you guys have a good rest of the week and I look forward to our next ThinkProperty Club podcast with our next speaker. And Susan, I hope to get in touch with you soon as well. Thank you.